Report Available: Funding for URM Retrofits in Seattle

The National Development Council has provided their final report to the City of Seattle on URM retrofit funding. With the completion of this report, along with the recommendations of the URM Policy Committee, the City will begin developing high-level policy recommendations to the Mayor’s Office for their review later this year.

The report is available on the Seattle Department of Construction and Inpections’ Unreinforced Masonry Buildings website.

The city continues to be interested in hearing your thoughts on this issue. You can contact the URM Policy Committee at:

AIA Oregon: URM Seismic Resilience Symposium

EERI Washington Chapter members may be interested in attending The American Institute of Architects Oregon Chapter’s URM Seismic Resilience Symposium. Event details are included below:

URM Seismic Resilience Symposium
July 18-20, 2019 

Unreinforced Masonry (URM) buildings present a challenge for earthquake-prone communities. There are over 1,650 URM buildings in Portland and millions around the world. These structures are important historic, architectural, cultural, and economic landmarks, but their vulnerability to earthquakes imperils them and the people that live and work in them.

The URM Seismic Resilience Symposium, July 18-20, 2019, is a three-day event for architects, engineers, owners, property managers, and anyone that might deal with URM buildings. AIA HSW and Engineering continuing education credits will be available.

Visit the AIA Oregon website for details on the agenda, speakers, and special events.

Registration is now open.

Information for URM Seismic Resilience Symposium hosted by AIA Oregon in July 2019