UC Berkeley Seismo Lab MyShake Android app

The UC Berkeley Seismo Lab just released an Android app called MyShake (myshake.berkeley.edu).

MyShake is a free app for Android phones that has the ability to recognize earthquake shaking using the sensors in every smartphone. The app runs “silently” in the background on your phone using very little power – just like the step-tracking fitness apps. When the shaking fits the vibrational profile of an earthquake, the app sends the anonymous information to our central system that confirms the location and magnitude of the quake.

Our goal is to build a worldwide seismic network and use the data to reduce the effects of earthquakes on us as individuals, and our society as a whole. MyShake also provides users with information about recent earthquakes around the world and significant global historical earthquakes.
​ Location services (at least low power mode) is required for this app to really have the most impact. We hope to have an iPhone version ​in the future.

Join the MyShake network at


White House summit on earthquake resilience & Obama administration steps for EQ resilience

On February 2, 2016 the White House held an informative summit on earthquake resilience. The recording of the summit has been posted on youtube here. (The summit starts about 24 minutes into the video.)

And here you can read about the various investments being made by the federal government and private partners towards national earthquake resilience.